International Women’s Day is just around the corner and conversations about gender equality are getting considerable air time in the build-up. Come the 8th of March, we will be both celebrating women’s achievements to date and being rallied to do our bit to continue to progress the cause.
To give a global context to the struggle for gender equality, this article lists some of the latest findings from Statista and The Office of National Statistics (ONS), as follows:
– In Statista’s Gender Inequality Index – which benchmarks national gender gaps on economic, political, education and health-based criteria – the UK ranks a rather lacklustre 22nd. This places it behind other European countries such as France, Germany and Ireland.
– Four Nordic countries dominate the list. The countries offering the most gender-equal conditions were found to be Iceland, followed by Finland, Norway, New Zealand and Sweden.
– Afghanistan ranks at the bottom of the list while Pakistan takes the penultimate spot.
– As of 2022, it was estimated that Europe had closed 76.6 per cent of its gender gap, making it the second most successful region in the world, only trumped by North America. Nevertheless, experts predict that gender parity will not be achieved in Europe for another six decades.
Clearly, much remains to be done before the world can claim gender equality. For ideas on how you can do your bit to help, please visit the International Women’s Day website.
ABL Recruitment, a proud supporter of International Women’s Day, wishes you a very Happy International Women’s Day! Please get in touch – at or on 020 7092 3911 – to let us know how you choose to celebrate.