With the world being in a very uncertain state of not knowing when normality will resume and numerous people’s livelihoods changing, it is completely understandable to feel overwhelmed with emotions. On top of that, social distancing and self-isolating can cause many to feel disconnected and lonely. Luckily, we have entered a decade where mental health is widely recognised and the support and understanding around it is ever increasing.
Mental health is just as important as physical health and so, like physical health, we should be actively trying to look after it. During a time like this, it is easy for your mental health to take a toll. Even those who think of themselves as very mentally strong may begin to suffer and often it can go unnoticed. We wanted to remind everyone to take some extra tender love and care right now when it comes to your mind.
We strongly advise practising self-care on a daily basis. The word ‘self-care’ instantly puts the thought of full body massages and bubble baths into many people’s heads. Whilst this may work for some, it can actually come in the form of a variety of tasks and is different depending on each individual. Try not to become too idle and close yourself off. Of course, make the most of having free time by relaxing, but keep up with your daily jobs and adapt a routine that works for you. Start your day off by getting out of bed as soon as you wake up, opening the curtains and making your bed. “Research has proven that natural lighting helps people be more productive, happier, healthier and calmer”. By making your bed you have already completed your first task of the day, which increases productivity within the first few minutes of waking up. Shower daily, brush your teeth twice a day, eat breakfast, lunch and dinner and wash up after yourself. I know it seems silly to emphasise such simple daily tasks, but by taking care of the little things, the big things will fall into place.
Keep your mind busy
It is important to keep your mind active in order to keep your brain healthy. Perhaps now is the perfect time to start a hobby or learn a new skill. Turn to things you are able to do in the house such as cooking or crafts. Find something that interests you. It doesn’t necessarily have to be something big and crazy like a brand new home makeover, a gripping book can be just as beneficial.
Exercise also has a massive positive impact on your mental health. It releases chemicals into your brain such as endorphins and serotonin that improves your mood. Home workouts are designed to be carried out specifically within the vicinity of your home, meaning you don’t have to worry about having a large space to exercise in.
Check in on loved ones
Whether you are isolating alone or in company, try to check in on your friends, family and neighbours when you can, especially those who you know are on their own. With the likes of mobile phones and the internet, we are very fortunate to be able to keep connected. Utilise these resources to check up on your loved ones, not just for their sake but also your own. We can take comfort in knowing we are all in this together.
Be kind to yourself
Lastly but certainly not least, remember to be kind to yourself. Allow yourself to take a break and allow yourself to relax. Each day will differ and some days may not feel as productive as the last, but what you are doing is enough. Seek happiness and pride in the little wins – sometimes even just finding the energy to brush your hair is a win. Every day is one day closer to the world being healed.
Further help
For those who require further help with their mental health, please seek professional assistance which can be found via the following:
Mental Health Foundation: www.mentalhealth.org.uk
MIND: www.mind.org.uk
Samaritans: www.samaritans.org
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